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Year R

Our Autumn Term starts with the children sharing their “Summer Holiday Adventure Box.” This is a great way for the children to get to know their new friends and teachers. A little later in the term the children celebrate ‘Bonfire Night’ by planning their very own bonfire party, which is held at school one evening in November. The children have a fantastic time watching Mr Murley’s bonfire, enjoying sparklers and eating toasted marshmallows.

After half term, we launch our People Who Help Us topic. We learn about people who help us both around the school and in the community, through exciting visits from the emergency services and a trip to Shoreham Lifeboat Station.

The term draws to a close with our highly anticipated Christmas Nativity Performance, which the children work really hard to prepare for!

Personal, Social and Emotional Development – establishing rules and routines, making friends, developing independence.

Communication and Language – Listening to stories, sharing our ideas, developing new vocabulary.

Physical Development - Negotiating space and moving our bodies in time to music.

Literacy – Rhyme, alliteration, recognising initial sounds, writing our names.

Mathematics – Sorting and ordering, number rhymes, pattern, 2D shapes, numbers to 10

Understanding the World - All about Me, special celebrations, seasons, the local community.

Expressive Arts and Design- Printing, collaging, leaf rubbing, large art, self-portraits, model making, chalking, oil pastels, den building, imaginative play, singing.

In the Spring Term, the children return to school after the Christmas holidays to enjoy a fantastic performance of ‘Four Favourite Fairy Tales’ by the Rainbow Theatre Company, London. This exciting experience launches our Fairy Tale topic and the children spend the first half of the Spring Term exploring some well-known stories. They are then rewarded with a fantastic Fairy Tale Ball at the end of the half term!

Returning to school after the half term break, the children discover giant footprints in the playground, a large spotty egg and bones in the classroom. The children have to work out who they belong to and learn facts about their discovery. We also have an exciting visit from some reptiles, which the children have the opportunity to handle.

During this term, we start our walks around the local area. We visit the train station, local shops and the park.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development – Talking about our feelings, managing our own needs. 

Communication and Language – Retelling stories, discussing our ideas, using new vocabulary.

Physical Development – Using scissors, paintbrushes and pencils, developing balance and co-ordination, and ball skills.

Literacy – Rhyme, adjectives, reading and word writing.

Mathematics – Number bonds and subtraction facts, 3D shapes, measure.

Understanding the World - Special celebrations, seasons, making observations using our senses, recognising technology around us, the local community.

Expressive Arts and Design- Joining techniques, colour mixing, collaging, large art, model making, storytelling, exploring instruments

In the Summer Term we continue with our animal theme as we learn about the farm and farm animals. The children then visit a real farm nearby and get to see the animals up close as well as enjoy an exciting tractor ride.

After half term, we begin to think about summer holidays. The children plan a class “holiday” and enjoy flying to our chosen destination during our “Flight Week.” We enjoy sampling the local cuisine and make our own beach to play on.

During the Summer Term, we begin our walks to the beach. The children take part in scavenger hunts, create large beach art as well as skimming stones in the sea.

Before the children leave us for Year 1, we say goodbye with a Graduation Ceremony. This is a brilliant occasion during which parents and carers are invited to celebrate the children’s successes from across the year.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development – Learn to play collaboratively, show sensitivity to their own and other’s needs. 

Communication and Language – Tell stories, explain why things might happen, ask questions to clarify their understanding.

Physical Development – Using gardening tools, hold a pencil effectively, negotiate space and obstacles.

Literacy – Use and understand recently introduced vocabulary in discussion and non-fiction texts, reading and writing simple sentences and phrases.

Mathematics – Numbers to 20, time, odds and evens, number facts, interpreting data.

Understanding the World - Special celebrations, seasons, compare contrasting environments, making observations using our senses.

Expressive Arts and Design – Explaining processes used, large art, storytelling, exploring instruments and performing songs.