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2024 - 2025 Pupil Governors

Who are the Pupil Governors?

The Pupil Governors are a team of Key Stage 2 pupils who have been elected by their year groups to sit on our governing body. At the start of the year, children who would like to put themselves forward to become a governor, write a manifesto and campaign to members of their year group. A general election is held and two candidates are chosen. The decision is entirely down to individual year groups and all voting is completed in secret. The votes are counted officially and the winner is announced. Elections are held in Year 3 and Year 5.

This year, our Pupil Governors are:

Year 6 – Ava and Mae

Year 5 – Safeerahi and Jazmine

Year 4 – Rex and Indie

Year 3 – Ruby and Archer

What is the overall aim of our Pupil Governing Body?

We want our Pupil Governors to have an active role in the decisions that are made around the school. They work together with the school governors, the senior leadership team, teachers and their peers.

What do the Pupil Governors do?

The Pupil Governors meet every Monday morning at 8:00am. They follow a Long-Term Plan and make decisions on how certain aspects are run across the school. In addition to this, the governors themselves suggested actions that they felt important after taking feedback from members of their year group.

What we achieved last year: (2023-2024)

  • We have put into place a bottle lid recycling scheme at our school. So far, as a school we have collected over 396kg of plastic to be recycled. This is recycled into furniture and learning resources.
  • We have been working alongside subject leaders in Maths, English, Science and PD. We have asked pupils questions and we have fed back to teachers.
  • We created an anti-bullying assembly for Key Stage 2. We created a video and made posters about the different types of bullying.
  • We have helped out at parents evening showing parents where to go.
  • We held a whole school event called wear your scarf to school day. This is part of our PD learning and how we can promote children’s mental health and wellbeing.
  • We contributed towards the planning of our school’s new nature area. 


Our future plans: (2024-2025)

  • Continue with the bottle lid recycling scheme and use our plastic tokens to purchase window box planters for some classes. These can then be used alongside our science units.
  • We have started to recycle used pens across the school and we will collect these on a monthly basis.
  • We would like to conduct some pupil conferencing to find out and gain ideas on how we can improve our school.
  • We would like to run an assembly as part of road safety week. We would like to share with our peers how to be safe around roads and around trains.
  • We will run our wear your scarf to school day again as part of children’s mental health week.