Friends of Seaside Primary School (FOSPS) is a group of parents, carers and staff who plan and provide a range of social and fundraising activities for pupils and their families during the year. The money raised then goes back into the school, supporting projects that will enhance the educational experiences of all the children at Seaside Primary.
In recent years, we have raised money to pay for the raised planters in the courtyard area, sports team strips, books for the library, help towards the cost of school trips for families who may not be able to afford the full cost and, most recently, the projector and screen in the main hall.
We try and put on events and activities each term, and over the last year we have held a Christmas Fair, Race Night, Quiz Night, Disco’s and an Easter Hat competition. We also attempt to hold a fun summer sports and social evening, but of course this is weather dependent! We have a growing stock of second hand uniform, which parents and carers are welcome to look through – just contact FOSPS to arrange a convenient time.
We are always looking for people to help at events or come up with ideas for social and fundraising activities. We hold meetings after school, to which children are welcome to attend, and letters usually go out the week before to let parents know. If this is not convenient for you, we also have an email list that parents and carers can join so that we can pass on information about upcoming meetings, activities or events, and through which parents can contact us. You are also welcome to contact us via the office, who will pass on your contact details, or just come along to our next meeting.