Residential Trips
Residential Trips
In addition to the large range of day trips we offer the children throughout their time with us here, we are also very proud to be able to offer three amazing residential trips to our pupils. The trips are highly affordable for parents and pupil uptake is consistently high.
Our residential trips are all run by Seaside staff and play a hugely important part in the education of our children here at New Horizons Seaside Primary. The trips enrich the children's learning and offer them opportunities to carry out a wide range of activities from our Exploring New Horizons curriculum. They are also crucial in supporting the personal development of our pupils over their time here and helping to instil in them our key DREAMS values.
In Year 3, we start by offering the children the chance to have a sleepover at school - for many children this is their first night away from home and great preparation for the four nights the children spend away in a hotel on the Isle Of Wight in Year 4. In Year 5, the children travel further afield geographically and into more adventurous accommodation, camping for four nights in the New Forest. This prepares them for their final residential trip, travelling further afield again to Cornwall, where they camp for five nights - a fantastic and highly memorable end to their time in Year 6 and Seaside, before they move on to secondary schools after the summer.
Click on the links below to find out more and to see photos of the children enjoying themselves! For the latest residential pictures please see our Twitter account (x)